Our Story

44 Magnum Farm & Ranch

44 Magnum Farm and Ranch is a small family owned and operated farm, headquartered in West Mountain, Utah. We sell humanely raised, custom cut, dry-aged locker beef, pork, lamb, and chicken and deliver to most Utah cities free of charge. We graze our cows on mountain pastures during the summer and on dormant hay pasture during the winter. This semi-annual exodus is a fun project for our family. It is a job made much easier by the older, wiser cows that know the ropes and end up waiting at the gate, happy to climb into our stock trailers and head for greener pastures. This "live grass" feeding practice along with our selective breeding has consistently produced some of the finest truly grass fed beef available.

Our Roots

Grandfather Clarence Wayman a descendant of Squire Boone, the father of Daniel Boone, immigrated from Kentucky to the fertile Cache Valley Utah in 1901. It was there that our Father Clayne Orlo Wayman was born in 1925 . Grandmother liked Grandfather Clarence’s initials C.O.W. She made sure to give them to his youngest son, who would later become well known for his superior “COWs”. A quick learner, Clayne learned farming and ranching from his grandfather, who taught him to carefully step over the plants when watering the furrows, how to store meat by burying it in the cool wheat granary, how to scald and scrub a hog, and cure a country ham. At 5 years old, he was given the job of milking the family cow that was ready to dry up. Through diligent feeding and consistent milking, instead of drying her up he very proudly increased her production!! He fondly recalled blowing back the foam of a pristine clean bucket and enjoying a warm sip of milk on a cold day. Cache County temperatures are often the coldest in the nation. Heading out to milk one sub-zero morning, the cow in the corner of the snowy pasture was frozen solid, standing in place. Grandfather Clarence was famous for his old fashioned cured country hams. One of these sought after hams that was hanging in the granary went missing. Grandfather did not say a word to anyone. After a couple weeks, at a graveside service, a neighbor leaned in and asked, “Clarence, did you ever find out who stole that ham?” He calmly replied, “Not till just now, I didn’t”.

My dad always labeled his tools. As a small boy, learning to sound out words, I wondered why tools up near the house were labeled C.O.W. I assumed they must belong in the barn! The original COW brand did not burn cleanly onto the cattle hide and was eventually replaced with the Broke Bar W. This brand burned clearly on the cow hide and was easily recognized. "Broke Bar W" is best understood by our ranch slogan, "Always Broke, Never Broken." Farming and Ranching, by nature, has always been a slim-to-never profit enterprise. Hence, while farming investments seem to keep us broke, we never give up the family dream. We prefer to look at it as a continued investment in the family lifestyle, resulting good health, and enhancing our community. While the Broke Bar W is our Utah State registered family ranch brand, we are best known for our 44 Magnum Cattle. After researching all the cattle blood lines used in Fathers herd over the years, and later more breeds added via artificial insemination, we discovered 44 different cattle bloodlines in our herd. Yes…. the versatile 44 Magnum Caliber is a family favorite for our rifles and side arms because it will shoot in either one, but it wasn’t the source of inspiration for our 44 Magnum Farm & Ranch name. The bloodlines that make up the 44 Magnum Cattle Breed have been carefully selected from the best of the best breeds. We have always ran our cattle on irrigated private land. Cattle bred for the open range are gnarly and bred primarily to bring back a live calf, under very harsh conditions. This is the type of cattle intended for ranches that run on leased government range land with limited feed and water and numerous predators. These type of cattle can be very difficult to handle in an intimate rotational pasture environment, and will taste “gamey” on the plate.

44 Magnum Cattle lines were chosen from the very best cattle from multiple breeds. They are a medium sized cattle bred to excel in a grass-fed, grass-finished environment. Bred for handling, they are extremely docile. Their genetics also soar for intramuscular fat (marbling), milk quality & production, and mothering. This gentle mannerism results in tender, juicy, succulent meat.

Call anytime (801)-EAT-BEEF,

James and the Ranch Crew

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